Saturday, September 12, 2009


Sixteen years ago, Richard Baker has lost everything except his head, but it seemed, was close to that part, and with her. As a result of an accident, Richard was inoperable. Soon after, he went on early retirement, his family also moved away from him. «I lost everything - remembers Baker, who is now 53.

- I became depressed, but at that time I did not even realize it! »

«After the first dive I was hooked, - says Baker, (now diving instructor, who has registered about 2000 dives).

- Nowhere else I do not find such peace and inner harmony, as during diving. Even «bad» immersion in cold water with poor visibility raises my mood at three or four days ». Of course, Baker realized that he could not spend all their time in water, so he also resorted to medical care since 1994 for "Prozac", and this, in his opinion, did not create any problems. «I have not noticed any side effects from medications. A combination of diving and antidepressants has turned my whole world! »

  Temporary relief or risk?

Anyone who has ever faced with depression, know that it can deeply impress all of our existence. People prone to depression, often suffer from insomnia, excessive fatigue, poor appetite, restless, find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions, they also have feelings of hopelessness, sadness and irritation.

Obviously, all these symptoms are difficult to reconcile with diving - a sport that requires focus, attention to detail and a clear understanding of what is happening around. So, even if diving can help you feel better before the dive, followed by a careful and impartial review of his mental health.

«Certainly, immersion in a state of serious depression untreated can be dangerous», - says psychiatrist and researcher of the problems associated with diving, David F. Kolvard, among his patients have many active divers. "You can significantly slow down the process of thinking and the ability to make decisions, increase anxiety, you can be self-absorbed and preoccupied. All this leads to the fact that you begin to pose a danger to himself and those around you ».

But not every case of depression is so serious. In addition, even more serious symptoms can be eased with medication, says Kolvard. Moreover, the diving itself is a good medicine. «You can do what a pleasure to be physically active, doing something that gives a feeling of competence - as a result of diving can be considered truly positive experience for people prone to depression - Skalka says Thomas, director of a treatment program of the University of East Carolina in Greenville. - Diving gives hope for the normalization of life ».

Itself underwater environment is a special recreational force, says Nicole Kyuomo, a school psychologist, counselor and behavioral analyst at the Center conduct research in Satellite Beach, Florida. «You are subjected to pressure from neoprene and water, which can give a feeling of comfort and calm, in addition, your mind lives only in this moment, this immersion, which is very useful».

«The most beautiful in diving is that you get into the world of delicious, sounds and feelings - Baker agrees. During the dive, your consciousness is not plagued by questions - is virtually impossible to think of something else while you are under water ».

Can depression prevent you achieve this state of bliss, depends on how serious it is. «If you are balanced, good sleep, eat and do daily activities, you should have no problems during the dive, - said Kyuomo. - If you have mood swings, you lose your temper or feeling very depressed, you should not dive ».


Modern anti-depressants - is a boon to the approximately 20 million people in the U.S. each year suffer from bouts of depression. They can not throw many divers dive (not to mention other important lessons in life) during repeated bouts of depression.

However, the drug is and side effects. They can cause insomnia, anxiety or feelings of fatigue, especially in the first week of admission. All this may affect the safety of your dives.

Diver Barbara Dwyer takes anti-depressants since 1988 for the treatment of recurrent major depression with panic attacks. "I'm very happy that modern antidepressants are so few negative effects," - said Barbara, who is immersed in the whole year in the cold and turbulent waters of Monterey and Caramel near his home in northern California. Dwyer notes that diving - this hobby is not for everyone, and that divers who take any type of medication, should first consult with your doctor, and before diving, track for at least a month, as they are affected by the drug out of the water.

Do not try to assert itself

Just as people who have been allowed to dive with diabetes or high blood pressure, choose immersion, which should not aggravate their condition, divers who suffer from depression, and especially prone to anxiety, should plan to dive so as to minimize the possibility of stress, according to Aspen. «We all make different dives depending on our level of comfort. In each dive there is some degree of risk. In some more, some less. You should feel very confident and comfortable with the degree of risk to which you are going. If you have been depressed or you are taking medication, should choose an easier dive on their level of comfort. Always bias towards safety ».

Other tips

Do not hurry. If you're new to diving and you're depressed, find an instructor who will quietly work personally with you, so you can feel more confident. «Anxiety often increases if you yourself are not sure. My wife (who has problems with high anxiety), four years ago was told that she should not dive. But she did not hurry up and moved in accordance with their level of comfort - it now Divemaster with over 200 dives behind his back, and she feels very confident under water », - said Baker, an active Cave diver.

Dive another day. It's simple advice, which we all must follow. If you do not feel that they are ready to dive today, do not dive. «If you have a bad day or you feel anxiety, while still on the surface, simply cancel the dive. Will be another », - says Baker.

Maintain physical condition. Exercises not only help to keep depression under control, they also allow you to feel stronger and more confident, better cope with physical exertion during the dive. «If you work on yourself and keep fit - is a big advantage, especially if you dive a level as committing me», - says Dwyer.

Check yourself. Even if the local Diving center does not require a check-dive, it would be better to make a simple verification dive to get acquainted with their equipment (or remember it) and adjust your weight and buoyancy, before you begin to basic dive. «Proper immersion verification can significantly improve your confidence and degree of comfort under water, especially if you rarely dive», - said Kolvard.

Failure of Chocolates Prolongs Life by 25%

According to German scientists, reduced ingestion of glucose - sugar, which is contained in foods such as candy and fruit, and is considered the main source of energy for the body, prolongs life.

To such conclusions scientists came after the experiment on the worm, which could extend the life of worms by almost 25%. This resulted in increased levels of so-called free radicals - unstable molecules that can harm the body, the scientists write in an article published in the journal Cell Metabolism. People usually try to fight free radicals with food or drinks rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamin E.
When the worms have limited admission glucose, it made their bodies produce more free radicals. And then they quickly stepped mechanisms that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, says lead researcher, endocrinologist Michael Risto Germanskogo Institute of Human Nutrition. "During the experiment, the body of the worm producing more of free radicals, which intensified the protective systems against them. The poor are always eventually leads to good" - he says.

According Ristova, the body needs glucose, but excessive doses are dangerous.

Scientists have found that worms and monkeys with their low-calorie diet live longer. But a new study shows that life expectancy is influenced not just calorie intake, namely the amount of consumed glucose.

The study first revealed the probable cause of the fact that antioxidants, long considered the substances that help maintain health, can do more harm than good.

The team of German scientists used a chemical that blocked the ability of worms to process glucose. This lengthened the lives of worms by almost 25% (in terms of human life resulting effect would be equal to 15 years). In animals deprived of glucose depend on increased energy production in some cells, which led to the emergence of more free radicals. They in turn, forced the body of the worm enzyme, accentuate long-term protection against the harmful molecules, said Rist.

However, when some worms have antioxidants and vitamins, these substances to neutralize free radicals and not allowing the body to develop a protective response.

"Recent data show that the widespread use of antioxidants as additives to human food can lead to undesirable consequences" - the researchers wrote.

Now a few words about the Indigo

Now a few words about the Indigo. Indigo - are the most normal people. These have conceived the Creator. Such we all someday become. Not normal rest. Abnormally greed, anger, envy, falsehood and hypocrisy. You can easily continue this list. Indigo can be happy. They need to do so little. They find happiness in his own soul. And they want to share their knowledge with other people. It's that simple.

And this is not the first wave of Indigos. Although the most numerous. Previously they were called "superfluous men", then came the "new people", then came the generation of Romantic writers. My favorite of them - Romain Rolland.

Many of them, not finding a place in the immediate vicinity, went into mysticism, spiritual quest, and not always then returned to the people.

Now on Earth the most favorable conditions for development and growth of spiritual consciousness, and our planet has always been a good podgotovishkoy for further existence, so I started coming here highly essence.

Violet aura indicates high spiritual development, as manifested and encourage the spiritual sphere of consciousness. And, of course, it is inherent not only to the Indigo, though it is one of the signs of the children of the New Era.

All paranormal abilities, surprising ordinary people, for the Indigos are not the subject of special pride. They use them as a tool to accomplish its mission and given to each according to demand.

When dormant, that is, not realizing its mission Indigo, begin to try to develop unusual part of his inner self, something that, unfortunately, inhibit their development, because only together with the growth of the soul come and unusual opportunities in the amounts and as needed.

And not only inhibit, but often get serious psychological problems, ranging from depression, loss of energy and ending compulsory treatment and suicide.

Fortunately, most manage to avoid these troubles, or get rid of them, finding their own unique ways in this difficult but wonderful life.

Now for the Indigo left to solve the most difficult task - to learn how to unite. This is very simple, because they understand each other poluvzglyada, and incredibly difficult, because as long as mankind has only a hierarchical scheme for unity, and for Indigo this way is impossible.

It remains the only - to establish themselves around the islets of people who are attracted to light, but it alone can not go far on this path. And only then connect all these streams, channels in one wide full-flowing river.

Strangely, I have often heard the opinion of some people that live in a very "correct" the world would be boring, uninteresting.

These people do not know what they say. They are not familiar with the enjoyment of life free, pure soul. They do not know that the most delicate feelings of the strongest, and that the greatest love - this is where the touch the soul, then body and experiencing the most unusual emotions.

They have yet to complete this journey, which had already entered Indigo Children. And it should go together, hand in hand. Otherwise, all have to start from scratch, because a lot of developments of humanity will be lost, and this is an unacceptable waste.

It's time to remove the rake off the road, so you can look at the sky, without fear of stumbling. We are waiting for the incredible, dazzling joy, but it will still need to get closer. It is necessary to make this effort. To step forward ...

Friday, September 11, 2009

7 Myths About Colds

Cold - a mysterious thing: often there is literally out of nowhere. That is why so much of it composed in fairy tales, in which we truly believe.

Myth 1-st. Cold is hypothermia

If this were so, we are not catching cold in the summer. Of course, hypothermia, and even against the background of weak immunity and stress, health does not add. But the valiant man cold from the frozen legs are not threatened. On the contrary, it is proved that if at the first sign of a cold expose themselves to cold shock therapy (for example, take a cold shower, and then actively rub oneself), then the disease will disappear before it began.

And in general, by itself frost makes only an indirect contribution to the statistics of infections and colds. The colder the street, the more time we spend indoors with the windows closed and air conditioning. Namely, in these conditions, viruses become more active, easily spread and infect the maximum number of people.

Myth 2 nd. You can not go out after washing the head

This myth was brought up in several generations of compatriots enduring habit of washing your hair is strictly for the night. The entire civilized world


Best vitamin winter - cod liver oil, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They normalize metabolic processes and are the best prevention of atherosclerosis and reduce immunity.

Folk wisdom says: fish oil should drink during those months, the title of which is the letter "r", from September to April, and modern nutritionists agree. Better not take the drug in capsules and in liquid form - for dessert spoon per day. It is not as tasteless as many remember from childhood: today released fish oil, even with the scent of lemon and orange washed, on the contrary, in the morning, and suffer from no more than us. Moreover, even 50 years ago, the British carried out an experiment: one group of people in wet clothes was in the draft, and the other in a warm room. Caught a cold was equally in both groups. So the relationship between the drafts, wet hair and colds are not unambiguous. The point again in the degree of staying power and immunity.

Myth 3rd. You can get infected with a kiss

To test this myth, researchers conducted an experiment: volunteers applied a solution containing the rhinoviruses, the language and in the nasal cavity. Turned out viruses prefer the second way. To get through your mouth, you need a thousand times greater concentration of rhinoviruses than during the infection through the nose. By the way, intermediate levels during infection are mostly hands. So do not let the handle to kiss sneezing fans.

Myth 4 th. Colds and sports incompatible

Few want to go to the gym or swimming pool in the first days of illness. But the stale and take a long time "liberation" of physical education can not be! As soon as the temperature is normal, lessons need to resume, unless of course, and before that you were active, mobile lifestyles. Exercising in moderation, you can help your body recover and strengthen the immune system. The most useful half an hour of walking or jogging outdoors.

Myth 5 th. If you suppress a cough, can cause pneumonia

Persistent misconception. This can be dangerous only to those who suffer from severe chronic lung disease. Everyone else, however, must be dealt with bouts of unproductive dry cough that does not sleep at night and straining the already weak throat. Fortunately, funds for this purpose there is a lot. Wait until they will act, and the bronchi begin to purify themselves. Then the cough itself to health.

Myth 6 th. Better cold remedies - Alcohol

Favorite point of view of most men - and, alas, incorrect. The virus is not afraid of vodka, because it has no chance to meet her. Alcohol really does have a sterilizing effect, but he gets something in the body (and left him) through the gastrointestinal tract, and viruses - mainly through the upper respiratory tract. Moreover, alcohol slows reactions, weakens its ability to fight the aggressors, not to mention the fact that bad for the liver.

Myth 7 th. If too cold, should eat better!

In fact, meat delicacies and smoked have the strength of our immune system is not worse than the disease and stress. The best thing you can do to not get sick in the winter - to fast.

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