Friday, September 11, 2009

7 Myths About Colds

Cold - a mysterious thing: often there is literally out of nowhere. That is why so much of it composed in fairy tales, in which we truly believe.

Myth 1-st. Cold is hypothermia

If this were so, we are not catching cold in the summer. Of course, hypothermia, and even against the background of weak immunity and stress, health does not add. But the valiant man cold from the frozen legs are not threatened. On the contrary, it is proved that if at the first sign of a cold expose themselves to cold shock therapy (for example, take a cold shower, and then actively rub oneself), then the disease will disappear before it began.

And in general, by itself frost makes only an indirect contribution to the statistics of infections and colds. The colder the street, the more time we spend indoors with the windows closed and air conditioning. Namely, in these conditions, viruses become more active, easily spread and infect the maximum number of people.

Myth 2 nd. You can not go out after washing the head

This myth was brought up in several generations of compatriots enduring habit of washing your hair is strictly for the night. The entire civilized world


Best vitamin winter - cod liver oil, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They normalize metabolic processes and are the best prevention of atherosclerosis and reduce immunity.

Folk wisdom says: fish oil should drink during those months, the title of which is the letter "r", from September to April, and modern nutritionists agree. Better not take the drug in capsules and in liquid form - for dessert spoon per day. It is not as tasteless as many remember from childhood: today released fish oil, even with the scent of lemon and orange washed, on the contrary, in the morning, and suffer from no more than us. Moreover, even 50 years ago, the British carried out an experiment: one group of people in wet clothes was in the draft, and the other in a warm room. Caught a cold was equally in both groups. So the relationship between the drafts, wet hair and colds are not unambiguous. The point again in the degree of staying power and immunity.

Myth 3rd. You can get infected with a kiss

To test this myth, researchers conducted an experiment: volunteers applied a solution containing the rhinoviruses, the language and in the nasal cavity. Turned out viruses prefer the second way. To get through your mouth, you need a thousand times greater concentration of rhinoviruses than during the infection through the nose. By the way, intermediate levels during infection are mostly hands. So do not let the handle to kiss sneezing fans.

Myth 4 th. Colds and sports incompatible

Few want to go to the gym or swimming pool in the first days of illness. But the stale and take a long time "liberation" of physical education can not be! As soon as the temperature is normal, lessons need to resume, unless of course, and before that you were active, mobile lifestyles. Exercising in moderation, you can help your body recover and strengthen the immune system. The most useful half an hour of walking or jogging outdoors.

Myth 5 th. If you suppress a cough, can cause pneumonia

Persistent misconception. This can be dangerous only to those who suffer from severe chronic lung disease. Everyone else, however, must be dealt with bouts of unproductive dry cough that does not sleep at night and straining the already weak throat. Fortunately, funds for this purpose there is a lot. Wait until they will act, and the bronchi begin to purify themselves. Then the cough itself to health.

Myth 6 th. Better cold remedies - Alcohol

Favorite point of view of most men - and, alas, incorrect. The virus is not afraid of vodka, because it has no chance to meet her. Alcohol really does have a sterilizing effect, but he gets something in the body (and left him) through the gastrointestinal tract, and viruses - mainly through the upper respiratory tract. Moreover, alcohol slows reactions, weakens its ability to fight the aggressors, not to mention the fact that bad for the liver.

Myth 7 th. If too cold, should eat better!

In fact, meat delicacies and smoked have the strength of our immune system is not worse than the disease and stress. The best thing you can do to not get sick in the winter - to fast.


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