Saturday, September 12, 2009

Now a few words about the Indigo

Now a few words about the Indigo. Indigo - are the most normal people. These have conceived the Creator. Such we all someday become. Not normal rest. Abnormally greed, anger, envy, falsehood and hypocrisy. You can easily continue this list. Indigo can be happy. They need to do so little. They find happiness in his own soul. And they want to share their knowledge with other people. It's that simple.

And this is not the first wave of Indigos. Although the most numerous. Previously they were called "superfluous men", then came the "new people", then came the generation of Romantic writers. My favorite of them - Romain Rolland.

Many of them, not finding a place in the immediate vicinity, went into mysticism, spiritual quest, and not always then returned to the people.

Now on Earth the most favorable conditions for development and growth of spiritual consciousness, and our planet has always been a good podgotovishkoy for further existence, so I started coming here highly essence.

Violet aura indicates high spiritual development, as manifested and encourage the spiritual sphere of consciousness. And, of course, it is inherent not only to the Indigo, though it is one of the signs of the children of the New Era.

All paranormal abilities, surprising ordinary people, for the Indigos are not the subject of special pride. They use them as a tool to accomplish its mission and given to each according to demand.

When dormant, that is, not realizing its mission Indigo, begin to try to develop unusual part of his inner self, something that, unfortunately, inhibit their development, because only together with the growth of the soul come and unusual opportunities in the amounts and as needed.

And not only inhibit, but often get serious psychological problems, ranging from depression, loss of energy and ending compulsory treatment and suicide.

Fortunately, most manage to avoid these troubles, or get rid of them, finding their own unique ways in this difficult but wonderful life.

Now for the Indigo left to solve the most difficult task - to learn how to unite. This is very simple, because they understand each other poluvzglyada, and incredibly difficult, because as long as mankind has only a hierarchical scheme for unity, and for Indigo this way is impossible.

It remains the only - to establish themselves around the islets of people who are attracted to light, but it alone can not go far on this path. And only then connect all these streams, channels in one wide full-flowing river.

Strangely, I have often heard the opinion of some people that live in a very "correct" the world would be boring, uninteresting.

These people do not know what they say. They are not familiar with the enjoyment of life free, pure soul. They do not know that the most delicate feelings of the strongest, and that the greatest love - this is where the touch the soul, then body and experiencing the most unusual emotions.

They have yet to complete this journey, which had already entered Indigo Children. And it should go together, hand in hand. Otherwise, all have to start from scratch, because a lot of developments of humanity will be lost, and this is an unacceptable waste.

It's time to remove the rake off the road, so you can look at the sky, without fear of stumbling. We are waiting for the incredible, dazzling joy, but it will still need to get closer. It is necessary to make this effort. To step forward ...


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